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Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter!

For my third recipe, I wanted to make an Easter themed dessert. I did a quick online search and found these cute cupcakes with peeps on the top and the frosting made to look like grass. Also while I was looking, I came across a way to make confetti cupcakes. I combined these two ideas into one. You can check out the websites by clicking on the links below:

Again this whole process took a lot longer than I thought (about 3 hours – not including clean up!!). However, the final product turned out really well, but I will most likely never be making confetti cake again--too much work. To try to simplify the process, I decided to use box cake mix instead of making it from scratch. To make the colored confetti pieces I mixed up some cake mix then separated it equally into five different bowls. I then used food coloring and dyed each one a different color.

Next I poured each bowl into a cake pan, trying to keep the colors grouped together.

I baked the cake normally then cut it up into a lot of strips according to color. Turns out I had a lot of extra colored cake. In the future (if there is a future) I would cut the recipe in half. Next, I made another batch of white cake mix and left it white! I scooped one spoonful of white mix into the bottom of the cupcake liners. Then placed a layer of cup up colored strips, and then another layer of white mix. An example of this can be seen at the 2nd website listed above.

Colored cake that will be cut into strips for the confetti

I baked the cupcakes for the recommended time, but checked them often because I wasn't sure how pre-baked cake inside would affect the cooking time. For the frosting I used a buttercream recipe found in a cookbook. I used 1 stick of butter, ½ tablespoon clear vanilla, 1/4 cup milk, and 4 cups of powdered sugar. I then added food coloring to make a green grass color. I experimented with different tips on a pastry bag to try to find the right one to make grass. After frosting the cupcakes, I used a toothpick to secure "peeps" chicks to the top of some of the cupcakes.

Final Product

Next week I will be making homemade pizza!


  1. That's really cool! I love the Easter theme! Can't wait to see the pizza!

  2. Sarah, I read your blogs all the time and I find them very impressive :) I hope our blogs can collab sometime!!!!!

    1. Yes! I will make that oboe cake for you :) sometime..
